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Chickpeas & Healthy Weight loss diet Food

Chickpeas &  Healthy Weight loss diet Food

Chickpeas &  Healthy Weight loss diet Food
Chickpeas &  Healthy Weight loss diet Food

Chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans) were first consumed by people living in modern-day Turkey and Greece about 10,000 years ago, after which they spread to southern France and Germany and then throughout the Middle East, where they became a staple in traditional diets.

Chickpeas are a potent package of protein, vitamins and dietary minerals. They help keep glucose levels stable and boost protection against disease, as well increasing digestion and satiety. The chickpea is the second most widely eaten bean in the world after soybeans.

 Chickpeas &  Healthy Weight loss diet Food

Chickpeas, which grow on trees, are a type of pulse, ie they come from a pod that contains two or three seeds. There are three main kinds of chickpeas or garbanzo beans.

Desi chickpeas have small dark seeds and a rough coat. Bombay chickpeas are larger. Both the Desi and Bombay types come from India. Kabuli chickpeas come from Europe or Africa and have smooth coats. All three types, however, deliver the same health benefits and can be used interchangeably.

Health benefits of eating chickpeas (garbanzo beans)

1. Garbanzo beans are another name for chickpeas. These tiny green pods look like peas but are actually related to the fava bean. They have been consumed since ancient times and were first grown in India.

Garbanzo beans, also known as chickpeas, are grown all over the world. Their popularity grew over time as a result of their adaptability. They are high in dietary fiber and protein and are very nutritious. They may not be everyone's first choice of food, but they are an excellent addition to any diet!

2. 19% protein content

3. 9% fat content

4 g of fiber per 100g

5. 0.8 mg/100g iron content

6. Thiamin content (mg/100g): .1 mg

7. .08 mg/100g riboflavin content

8. 1 mg/100g Niacin content

9. 0.05 mg/100g vitamin B-6 content

10. Folate content: 20 mcg per 100g

11. 0.12 mg/100g Pantothenic acid content

12. 2 micrograms of vitamin B-12 per 100g

13. 12 ppm copper content

14. 42 ppm manganese content Chickpeas are a true superfood.

Garbanzo beans are a great source of complex carbohydrates (23g per 100g), fiber (7.6g per 100g), plant-based protein (8.9g per 100g), iron, zinc, phosphorus, B vitamins and much more. Yet they are very low in fat.

Here's what they can do for you:

1) Chickpeas help control blood glucose levels... Chickpeas contain more than 27% carbohydrates. These are complex carbs, meaning they are mostly starch and are digested slowly, avoiding sudden spikes in blood glucose levels... unlike simple carbs found in processed foods like white bread... a boon to diabetics and pre-diabetics. Diabetics should include chickpeas in their diets (garbanzo beans).

2) High fiber content aids the digestive process... Fiber works by moving foods through the digestive tract and assisting in the formation of stool, allowing waste and toxins to be removed from the body and reducing the likelihood of constipation.

Fiber also helps to balance gut flora by increasing good bacteria and decreasing bad bacteria. Fiber also aids in the control of blood glucose levels and the prevention of diverticulitis, kidney stones, and obesity.

Here's what they can do for you:

3) A high protein content provides an essential macronutrient... that is required by your body's vital organs, muscles, tissues, and hormone levels. Proteins help to control your blood glucose, produce hemoglobin and antibodies, aid in muscle building and maintenance. 

Provide energy, fight bacteria, and make you feel full. They also aid in the slowing of the aging process. Protein deficiency can cause muscle weakness, chronic tiredness and low energy levels, eye problems (such as cataracts). 

Heart problems, poor skin, and other issues. However, by combining chickpeas with other grains or vegetables, you can consume a 'complete protein,' that is, one that contains all of the 'essential' amino acids.

Many, but not all, of the amino acids required by the body for protein synthesis are produced within your body. Essential amino acids are the nine protein building blocks that your body cannot produce and must be obtained through diet.

Here's what they can do for you:

4) Chickpeas help you lose weight... because they are high in protein and fiber, chickpeas make you feel full. They can be extremely beneficial in terms of weight loss because they are low in calories and fat.

Chickpeas' proteins, complex carbohydrates, and fiber help you control your blood glucose levels while maintaining your energy, and the full feeling you get from eating them means you're less likely to snack on processed junk between meals.

Chickpeas are more filling when combined with vegetables or other whole foods, making them ideal for weight loss.

Here's what they can do for you:

5) Chickpeas lower the risk of heart disease... studies show that chickpeas help balance cholesterol levels, lower hypertension (high blood pressure), and keep arteries free of plaque.

One reason for this could be the high levels of fiber in the beans (7.6% by weight). Because fiber makes you feel full, you eat less, and you gain less weight around your tummy, where your vital organs are located.

As it passes through your digestive system, fiber forms a gel-like substance. This gel binds to fatty acids and helps balance your cholesterol levels, preventing the formation of excess LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Beans of any kind help keep your arteries clear of plaque buildup. This lowers your hypertension and keeps your blood pressure within a healthy range. This reduces your risk of cardiac arrest and stroke... all with just one serving of chickpeas or other beans per day.

Here's what they can do for you:

6) Chickpeas prevent colon cancer... studies show that chickpeas' high fiber content can help protect against colon cancer by preventing cancerous cells from forming. Furthermore, cancerous cells are less likely to proliferate because these beans keep the digestive tract free of bacteria and toxins.

This results in a healthy environment with balanced pH levels and reduced inflammation, preventing cancerous cells from multiplying as they would in an unhealthy environment.

Here's what they can do for you:

7) High in vitamins and minerals... Garbanzo beans are high in folate, other B vitamins, zinc, iron, and phosphorus. Chickpea folate aids in the copying and synthesis of DNA to produce new cells. Folate also aids the body's utilization of the other B vitamins.

You may develop anemia, a weakened immune system, and poor digestion if you do not consume enough folate. If you eat a lot of garbanzo beans, you won't be deficient in zinc, an important trace mineral.

Zinc protects against free radical damage, aids in DNA replication, aids in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood, and hastens wound healing. If you are zinc deficient, you are more likely to get colds frequently.

Chickpeas &  Healthy Weight loss diet Food
Chickpeas &  Healthy Weight loss diet Food

Have digestive problems like leaky gut syndrome (a condition in which the lining of the small intestine becomes damaged, causing undigested food particles, toxic waste products, and bacteria to 'leak' through the intestines and flood the blood stream), and diarrhea.

A lack of zinc in your diet can also harm your eyes, make you infertile, and cause hair loss.

How to Buy and Cook Chickpeas

Chickpeas (garbanzo beans in the United States) are available dried, pre-cooked and canned, or pre-cooked and frozen. Some people believe that dried beans have the best flavor and texture. They also keep for a long time, allowing you to stock them in bulk.

However, the pre-cooked form, whether canned or frozen, saves time. They are also just as nutritious as dried beans. It is best to buy organic beans that are also GMO-free because phytic acid levels are much higher in foods grown with modern high-phosphate fertilizers rather than natural compost.

How to Buy and Cook Chickpeas

Soaking and sprouting your beans before using them can also reduce phytic acid by 50% or more. The issue with phytic acid is that it can make certain nutrients less available. A phytic acid-rich diet can deplete minerals in your food and leach minerals from your teeth and bones, leading to tooth decay, bone loss, and osteoporosis. 

As a result, soaking them overnight is critical. Pre-soaking the beans overnight allows you to cook them in less time. Cook the chickpeas in three times their volume of water for 1.5 to 2 hours on a low heat. They are ready to eat or use as an ingredient in recipes once they have softened.

How to Eat Chickpeas

Chickpeas are eaten in countries all over the world. Garbanzo beans are the main ingredient in hummus in the Middle East. They are also ground into chickpea flour and used in the production of unleavened bread.

They are used in curries in India, while stews and pastas are served with seafood in France and Italy. In Portugal, they are served as part of Rancho, a meat, bean, and pasta dish. However, Filipinos' sweet tooth ensures that they are added to desserts in the Philippines.

Hummus can be made in about five minutes with tinned (canned) chickpeas. Drain and rinse a large can of chickpeas. Put the beans, 1/4 cup raw sesame seeds, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 1 peeled clove of garlic, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon cumin, and iodized salt to taste into a blender and blend until smooth.

How to Eat Chickpeas

You can add more water or olive oil to achieve the desired consistency... eat and enjoy. Sesame seeds are high in fat, so as a diabetic following the Beating Diabetes diet, it may be best to avoid them. You could also leave out the salt.

To make traditional hummus, soak the beans overnight before boiling them for up to two hours. To make traditional hummus, soak the beans overnight before boiling them for up to two hours. Nonetheless, the 'quick' version described here is just as tasty.

Chickpea Side Effects (garbanzo beans)

Some people who aren't used to eating a lot of fiber and starch may experience bloating and gas when they first start eating chickpeas (or other beans). The key is to gradually incorporate them into your diet. Also, soaking the beans in their dried form overnight (rather than using canned chickpeas) can remove some of the compounds that cause gas and bloating.

Article By Reshma